#environmental clean ups
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triangle-strategy-notes · 9 months ago
Narve Concept Art
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Translation notes and image id under the cut:
Translation notes:
The phrase that I translated as "the cloak" under the first fullbody image of Narve was a word that was phonetically spelled out as "ko ge". I'm assuming it was a variant spelling for coat/cloak.
The little drawing about night school off to the top right on the second page was a little hard to parse. The phrase has a character that indicated it was dialogue, but I wasn't sure which pronoun to use ("I", "we", "he") since none were provided in the Japanese. I went with "We" because it seemed like a pretty catch-all pronoun that either of them could be saying.
Image id:
[image id: Character design documents for Narve from Triangle Strategy. The first page are his fullbody portraits, with the note, "I tried to create a rascal-type character who brings an air of mischief, like Tom Sawyer. (Tatsuaki Urushihara)". The second page is titled "All-Attribute Magic Attacker (healing also possible) Design Proposal" and has many additional drawings of Narve and his grandfather. His grandfather had two different designs, a "Middle Eastern Style" and a "Western" style. Nearby is the note, "Who is the Great Wizard?" and "Was a wizard of old." An arrow points from the grandfather to Narve and says "Likely to become a great magician." There is a note pointing to the charred bottom of Narve's cloak that reads, "When the town burned down, the grandfather's robe got a little burnt." Another note reads, "Regarding the cloak, I took a reference from a proposal that I once received at a meeting about a town that was burnt down." To the side, there is a small drawing of baby Narve sitting at a chalkboard while his grandfather explains a diagram. Baby Narve is saying "Hmm", and nearby is a note that says "We're doing night school." and an asterisk that reads "Don't do this!" underneath is a drawing of potentially baby Narve or someone else with short hair that reads, "there he goes again." The second half of the page reads, "All-Attribute Magic Attacker (healing also possible)_Supplementary Design". There is a small pudgy sprite-esque drawing of Narve with the note, "When doing the pixels, I would appreciate it if you didn't put the hat on too deeply and raised the brim enough to recognize the face." There is a front and back image of Narve's outfit, as well as an image of the inner layer, and details on the embroidery on the back of his cape, which is labeled, "Is the embroidery based on something sacred? I'm imagining something like this Elder Tree." There is also a note about his pendant being made out of wood, and another note about the scorched end of his cloak. At the bottom, the designer's note reads, "I sorted out the specifics of Mr. Ikushima's rough sketch and finished the small details, including the pattern of the old tree on his cloak. (Tatsuaki Urushihara)" /end id]
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wachinyeya · 8 months ago
Man With Unyielding Depression Starts Picking Up Litter–And Helps Clear 13 Tons of Trash with Family and Strangers https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/man-with-unyielding-depression-starts-picking-up-litter-and-helps-clear-13-tons-of-trash-with-family-and-strangers/
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juniorpsychonaut · 2 months ago
i had a cool idea for a game and its basically if power washing simulator or viscera cleanup detail had characters and a plot and i reaaly really need someone to make a game like this please. my vision is that it tells its story in a similar way that "walking sims" do but with cleaning gameplay. it would be so awesome PLEASE
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fuck-em-up-your-grace · 9 months ago
The thing the American left needs to understand is that the best thing you can do to advance leftism* is to vote for Joe Biden.
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balkanradfem · 10 months ago
I like old things. Old things means they've survived the test of time, they're still standing, or working, or fulfilling a purpose they've been made to do. I like old furniture, clothing, buildings, cutlery, pots and pans, mugs, anything old is immediately respected and beloved by me.
It also means no new resources had to be spent on making new things, because this old thing has done such a great job! It's made from resources created ages ago and still kicking, making those resources last a long time. It also means it's likely been made before the age of late capitalism, so it's likely made with heart; the quality is good, it was made to be practical and lasting, it's not going to fall apart easily, it's purpose wasn't to fulfill a need that didn't exist before the marketing team manufactured it. It's reliable, purposeful, protecting the environment and saving the new resources for as long as it lasts.
However, old things something can look a little ragged and worse for wear. They can make you seem like you can't 'afford' new things, which is terrible, to be viewed in this poor, moneyless manner. They are not made to fit aesthetic of every other item in the room, or in the environment. They don't fit the color scheme you have in the room, if your room has one. They remind you of the old times when you didn't have much of new stuff, and maybe that was a sad time for some people. Maybe they invoke pity in people who have learned to associate 'old things' with poverty.
But I don't care! I liked the old times when things were lasting, and practical, and nobody had much new things, so we had to invent ridiculous ways to play with our old stuff. I love seeing old things in use and knowing that nothing was wasted creating this, there's a tree growing somewhere that won't be cut to make a new one, there's plastic that won't need to be melted and molded and last a few years before it's dispersed into the environment. Old things being used helps the planet keep going so I love them regardless of their aesthetic or color scheme. When did it become so important for everything to look nice, instead of it being the best scenario for everyone's well being? Maybe I look a little scruffy but I know what I'm about. Impressing other people with the amount of new stuff that I could potentially have will never trump the satisfaction of me knowing that my old stuff is thriving together with the environment.
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jeanetteirismiller · 5 months ago
“My imagination feels like it’s back to normal again! Normal by my standards anyway. I can FINALLY zone out again.”
“I guess I just need a lot more practice slipping in and out of my fantasy world. Life is stressful and sometimes I get stuck in “work mode.”
“This weekend, I cleaned up litter on the beach. Making the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time!”
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lilybug-02 · 2 years ago
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Discovering some new places around my neighborhood park! I even found a juvenile Soft Shelled Turtle! (I called it a tortoise in the video but it’s a turtle)
I also noticed A LOT of trash near his little creek area so I decided to pick some up and take it home. I may come back later. Gotta do it when I can.
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a-mole-of-iron · 2 years ago
Terra Nil!
Here’s another game recommendation for y’all. It’s Terra Nil - a complete and total opposite of the previous post. This game is 100%, intensely, blatantly solarpunk. It features beautiful landscapes that spring up as a result of your nature restoration efforts, it shows technology being used in harmony with nature and to benefit nature, the gameplay is a very relaxing tile-placement/solitaire type of thing with a lot of elbow room, and the story is very abstract, thus avoiding any kind of plunge into misanthropy or eco-fascism, despite the devastation of the odd-looking planet you’re restoring and the story not showing any characters (human or otherwise).
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As a matter of fact, I’d argue the abstract storytelling is what really elevates this game to greatness. It’s not just about the climate emergency - because when you arrive, the problems are clearly much worse and multifaceted than that. For example, climate change can’t make soil toxic, and yet here, the first step to reclaim the wasteland are toxin scrubbers that make the soil fertile again. For another example, climate change (especially with the current, surprisingly useful mitigation efforts and goals) can’t cause mass deforestation or wipe out ordinary grasslands and wetlands - but in Terra Nil, you get to restore every ecosystem from the ground up. The last level, with some half-destroyed urban structures, kind of gets me to interpret the story as fixing the mistakes of civilization as careless and dangerous as the Blarg from the original 2002 Ratchet & Clank game. And it can also be fun to look at it as cleaning up after the Factorio Guy and his ill-advised schemes for growing industrial production for its own sake. And trust me, this type of activity absolutely is a good time!
In short... I really recommend this game to anyone who likes solarpunk being actually solarpunk, and/or fans of relaxing puzzle games, and/or anyone suffering from eco-anxiety. That last point is especially important, because Terra Nil lets you fix the kind of environmental damage that makes the climate emergency look like small potatoes. I really hope this game makes it “thinkable“ for more people that we can restore and balance the environment by using science, appropriate technology, and a clever thoughtful approach; we can do it even today, but most people simply don’t know how attainable it is.
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fakesorbet · 1 year ago
saying this on twt but i truly still can’t get over how much love and grief there is in cacao kingdom , the dichotomy of it , and how it all relates to dark cacao as a character .
it’s very impactful to know that there is a moment where the dead gray trees become cherry blossoms l full of life, that years after white lily’s disappearance cacao kingdom ensures the lilys are persevered, and that sunflowers also appear in the kingdom . they aren’t meant to survive , the conditions are not meant for them , but the strength they have to stay alive reflects on cacao and the citizens . realistically , there is an easier life where agriculture and survival isn’t a struggle , but they planted it their home and continue to both fight and love the home they have .
remembrance and symbolism are also very much connected - like how the flowers are related to his loved ones and also how theres literal slabs of chocolate to remember the fallen , and of course the choco portrait . it still drives me crazy how cacao berates choco by saying he won’t be remembered but also keeps a memorial for his child ;_; cacao still loves choco , but he also grieves for the actions both and and choco have done but regardless cacao will always hold onto memories , good or bad . cacao kingdom - and cacao especially - holds out for the good that can come from grief . if a flower can bloom in snow then maybe one day cacao can too heal from his pain . or smth like that
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extinctpussy · 1 year ago
many of the countries wetlands are no longer federally protected under the Clean Water Act thanks to another fucking Supreme Court decision made earlier this year
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area51-escapee · 2 years ago
One of the many hills I’ll die on is my defense of the Girl Scouts if you hear the “girl” in Girl Scouts and immediately assume “well, clearly all they’re teaching them is how to bake cookies and manage a household and become a good wife and mother who stays home and cooks and cleans” then that shits on you yeah some troops aren’t going to be as good as others it all depends on the leadership and resources available but that doesn’t negate the fact that at it’s core it is there to teach young girls valuable skills and it can provide unique opportunities and a nice community for people who may need it
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wachinyeya · 7 months ago
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anik211 · 6 months ago
Recycling Solar Panels: A Path to Sustainable Solar Energy 🌞♻️
The transition to solar energy is a cornerstone of the global shift toward sustainability. However, with more solar panels reaching the end of their life cycle, we must tackle the challenge of solar panel waste responsibly. Recycling solar panels isn’t just about waste management; it’s about recovering valuable materials and reducing the environmental impact of solar energy production. Let’s…
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gatalentan · 2 years ago
can't believe in the year 2023 it's still an f/f fanfiction trope that one smells of strawberry shampoo and the other of lavender. why do you want your blorbos to smell of l'oréal no tears or your grandma's underwear drawer?
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angelfrommontgomery · 10 months ago
One thing I have learned in this phd program is that somehow everything is the d*fense industry. Have u ever asked urself why we know so much about craters on the moon. I hadn’t. U will not like the answer
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crunchybees · 1 year ago
we tend to realize that not enough effort goes into the environment we live in
the environment we share
it takes a lot of dedication to keep it clean and safe
this environment preservation should be of highest priority, if we want to thrive
instead of die
like the countless species that have gone extinct in the past few years
if you feel this dedication to preserving the environment
i suggest you take action now
we need people like you
you make the world go round
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